Wednesday, July 24, 2013


July 24, 2013

This week we had a substitute Chef in while the regular Chef was out. We continued on with practicing our rolling techniques of dough.  The Chef challenged the class to roll out some dough together as long as possible to help with our technique and team work skills. We carried it outside the kitchen and down the hallway to measure.  I think our end product was measured at about 14'.   The Chef said we would have to try it again the last week of class to see if we could surpass it.

One of the breads we made today was Rye Bread. Our flour was not scaled properly and ended up adding less rye flour and more patent flour to the mix. With the help of the Chef the dough turned out fine but our dough was lighter in color than the others.

We sampled the bread after it was baked. The Rye Bread had a strong caraway flavor and would have tasted really good with some pastrami.

Rye Bread

The second bread we made was a multigrain bread.  

Because we were short on time, we did not let the multigrain ferment as long as need so the tops of the bread split but the the bread had a good flavor.

Multigrain Bread


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