Thursday, November 14, 2013


November 14, 2013

This week we started Sugar class.  We learned how to cook sugar properly, learned some various sugar techniques,  and made a couple of artisan sugar pieces.  

Just like chocolate we made the different components to assemble the piece.  We  started by casting sugar into molds to create the base feet and the base. 

We then made pulled sugar and shaped the trunk. 

We made more pulled sugar and learned how to make pedals for the roses along with the stems and the leaves. 

We made a background piece using sugar and Isomalt, a sugar that has been chemically altered to absorb less moisture and withstand higher cooking temperatures.

When it came to assembly, we started with a piece that was very fragile.

Unfortunately I bumped one of the pieces that was hanging out with my elbow and the trunk broke into pieces, some of which shattered on the floor. It sounded like glass breaking. I was completely devastated. Fortunately several of the trunk pieces were still in tack so the Chef was able help assemble an alternative trunk piece to complete the piece.

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