Tuesday, April 23, 2013


April 23, 2013

We had a test today on quick breads, leaveners, and weight and measurement conversions (mostly on the leaveners). I did good on it all through the Chef threw in some measurements we had not reviewed or discussed.  The question was how much does an egg weight in ounces with the shell, without the shell, egg white only, and yolk only. I completely guessed having not covered the material and failed miserably. The correct answers were 1.67 ounces without the shell, 1 oz egg whites, .67 oz yolk, and with the egg shell does not matter because bakers never use the shells (but I believe it is 2 oz).

After the test we continued on with Pâte à Choux (Eclair Paste/Cream Puff Dough), Custards and Creams. It was reviewed at record speed so I am sure we will all struggle with making these in the kitchen. I think we will be making eclairs and cream puffs on Thursday but for tomorrow we are baking Cookies!!


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