Thursday, October 3, 2013


October 3, 2013

Today we cut the cakes made yesterday and layered butter cream in the middle and then added a crumb coat. 

After the cake was prepped, the fondant was kneaded to the right consistency for use. 

Fondant was then rolled out for covering the cake. I had to roll out the fondant twice as I was not able to keep the fondant in a circular shape on my first attempt. 

The fondant was then place over the rolling pin and laid on the top of the cake and pressed down gently smoothing it over the cake. 

The excess fondant was then cut off the bottom to complete.

In addition to en-robing the cakes with fondant, we made Halloween cake pops with the excess cake pieces and butter cream icing.  My team was selected to do a ghost. We used additional fondant to make a sheet and laid it over of the cake pop to make the ghosts.  Other teams made eyeballs, spiders, skulls, pumpkins, and zombies.  The cake pops were placed on top of the en-robed cakes and put in the window for display.

Ghosts, Zombies  and Spider Cake Pops

Eyeball, Pumpkin, Spider and Skull Cake Pops

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