November 20, 2013
This week we made a larger showpiece out of sugar. We split into teams and each made a underwater fish scene.
For this showpiece we created our own base by utilizing aluminium foil. We used three different color blues, each a bit darker than the other to create the color variation in the base to look like water.
We create coral pieces by pulling clear sugar and adding yellow and orange color as we pulled the sugar. Then we cut and shaped the pulled sugar and used PVC pipe to create movement of the coral.
We made fish by taking pulled sugar and blowing air into it and then pulled sugar to created the fins and tail. Each team member created one fish. The one below is the one I created.
We then created bubble sugar by pouring some casting sugar on crinkled parchment paper and then shaping to create movement.
We made rock sugar by mixing casting sugar and adding royal icing to it. It foams up then deflates. We then carved pieces to look like coral rock.
We added the remaining fish, coral, bubble sugar and seaweed to complete the piece.
For this showpiece we created our own base by utilizing aluminium foil. We used three different color blues, each a bit darker than the other to create the color variation in the base to look like water.
We made fish by taking pulled sugar and blowing air into it and then pulled sugar to created the fins and tail. Each team member created one fish. The one below is the one I created.
We then created bubble sugar by pouring some casting sugar on crinkled parchment paper and then shaping to create movement.
We made rock sugar by mixing casting sugar and adding royal icing to it. It foams up then deflates. We then carved pieces to look like coral rock.
We added the remaining fish, coral, bubble sugar and seaweed to complete the piece.
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