June 5, 2013
Plan B was in full effect as we started to make all the structural components that would be used to create the showpiece.
We began with cutting a PVC pipe to 2', lined the inside with parchment paper, duct taped one end, and created a cardboard stand for the pipe to site upright on its own. We then poured tempered chocolate into the pipe and let it set overnight.
We continued by cutting poster board into shapes to used as templates to cut out the two base chocolate plates that the chocolate pipe would sit on, the seahorses, the fish shapes, and the seaweed. We also selected some different size chocolate molds to create bubbles that would be placed throughout the centerpiece.
Once the chocolate was tempered, we poured it onto a flat surface with metal bars as a frame and smoothed the chocolate to a even flat surface.

Once the chocolate set but was still pliable, we used the templates to cut the pieces out of the chocolate.
We completed all the structural elements necessary to assemble the showpiece tomorrow. Each of us took a fish or seahorse home and used modeling chocolate to add the detail and depth to the pieces. Below is the fish that I completed. It took approximately 2-1/2 hours to complete the modeling on this piece.
We continued by cutting poster board into shapes to used as templates to cut out the two base chocolate plates that the chocolate pipe would sit on, the seahorses, the fish shapes, and the seaweed. We also selected some different size chocolate molds to create bubbles that would be placed throughout the centerpiece.
Once the chocolate was tempered, we poured it onto a flat surface with metal bars as a frame and smoothed the chocolate to a even flat surface.
Once the chocolate set but was still pliable, we used the templates to cut the pieces out of the chocolate.
We completed all the structural elements necessary to assemble the showpiece tomorrow. Each of us took a fish or seahorse home and used modeling chocolate to add the detail and depth to the pieces. Below is the fish that I completed. It took approximately 2-1/2 hours to complete the modeling on this piece.
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