Thursday, September 19, 2013


September 19, 2013

Today we made Rugelach, Linzer, Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal, and Spritz Cookies.  We also made French Macaroons.

The Chocolate Chip and Oatmeal are standard cookies and we had made them in Introduction to Baking class. 
Chocolate Chip Cookies

Oatmeal Cookies

For the Rugelach, the dough was rolled out and jam and walnuts spread over the dough. 

The dough was then rolled up, covered with nuts, cut into slices and baked.

For the Lizner Cookies, the dough was made with a hazelnut flour, rolled out, cut into circles, and raspberry jam added to the center. 

The dough was then shaped into to triangles. 

Other groups formed different shapes with the Linzer dough.  These cookies were really tasty!

Triangle Linzer Cookies

Linzer Cookies

The Spritz cookies were another cookie made in Intro to Baking class and are very tasty as well. We made rosettes filled with jam and drizzled with chocolate. 

Spritz Cookies

The last cookie we made was the French Macaroon. This cookie was made on the stove, piped on a silk pad, and then baked. 

Now I have had several different macaroons (generally either the ones like the Coconut Macaroons or ones that were ultra sweet) and I never really understood the big hype surround macaroons until today. I absolutely loved these French Macaroons!

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