Thursday, September 26, 2013


September 26, 2013

This week was finals week.  We had to make so many things for our practical final, Puff Pastry, Pate a Choux, Spritz Cookies, Pie Dough, Apple Tarts, and a St. Honore.  Due to the number of items required for the final, this was a two day group practical. My group did well except for a little issue with the puff pastry.  We ended with a 91 for the practical final test. 

Next up Contemporary and Classic Cakes.  This is the class I have been waiting for all year long.  I found out today though we will have a different chef teaching this class. I was extremely disappointed to hear this news but the chef that will be teaching the class is the same one that taught the Intro to Culinary class.  He is a pastry chef and was a good teacher so it should be a good class.

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