Tuesday, August 13, 2013


August 13, 2013

Today was the final day of the practical exam.  We were required to make a Challah bread and a Ciabata bread.  My team scored 10 for 10 on the Ciabata Bread. We baked it longer for a darker color and extra flour for a rustic look the way the Chef likes it.  I would normally have taken it out a bit earlier with a little lighter color on it, less crust, and a little less flour.

Ciabata Bread

We were graded separated only the Challah Bread. I scored 9 out of 10 on the Challah Bread.

Challah Bread

My final score between the two days on the practical was 97.25.  Written final on Thursday and next up is American and European Pastry and Baked Goods.  Yum!

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