Wednesday, September 18, 2013


September 18, 2013

This week's focus is petit four sec a/k/a cookies. Today we made Hazelnut Biscotti, Coconut Macaroons,  and Checkerboard Cookies.  

Biscotti is baked twice.  After the dough is mixed, it was molded into to a roll and baked the first time.

After baking, it was cut into slices.

As seen below the center is not quite dry and requires a second bake to complete.

After the second baking the centers were dried out.

To finish them off, one end was dipped in dark chocolate.  If made again, I would definitely cut the hazelnuts into small pieces prior to mixing in the dough.

Hazelnut Biscotti

For the Coconut Macaroons, most of the ingredients needed to be heated on the stove first to 130 degrees and then the extracts and zest added before dropping the batter on a sheet pan to bake. 

Once the batter was on the pan, an indent was pressed in the center of the batter and filled with pineapple.  The macaroons were then baked in the oven for about 20 minutes.  

After baking, the macaroons were a nice golden brown.  

Coconut Pineapple Macaroons

Some were drizzled with chocolate and others were dipped in chocolate.  The ones that were dipped in chocolate almost tasted just like a mounds bar.

Coconut Pineapple Macaroons Dipped in Chocolate

The Checkerboard Cookies took a little bit of time and work. First the dough is made, one with chocolate and one without.  One was placed on top of the other.

Then the dough was cut in half and place on top of each other again.

Next the dough was sliced lengthwise in strips.

Each strip was then layered on top of one another alternating the colors.

Once the strips were layered, it was then wrapped in a thin layer of chocolate, the excess cut off and then refrigerated.

As an alternate, the same dough was used to make a Pinwheel Cookie. The process began the same way with placing one dough on top of the other. 

Then the dough was simply rolled up and refrigerated.

Once the dough had been refrigerated long enough, the dough was then be sliced and had a nice clean cut. 

The sliced dough was then rolled in sugar and baked. For the amount of work and time required for these cookies I thought that they would be the best tasting cookies ever but I found them to be just another cookie.

Checkerboard Cookie

Pinwheel Cookie

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