Thursday, September 5, 2013


September 5, 2013

Today we all made a butter pound cake formula. Each team was tasked with making a different flavor and then mixing it in a different method to see how the end result turns out if not mixed in the method of the formula. 

My team did a white chocolate raspberry pound cake. We added melted white chocolate to the batter and did an all ingredient in at once mixing method.  After mixed, we poured half the batter into the pans. We then took about 1 cup of the batter and mixed it with raspberry jam and dropped this into the batter in the pans and swirled through it.   After baking, we made a glaze for on top of the cake.  The glaze my teammate decided to make did not look a appealing and was a bit too liquidity to work. The chef had us make an alternate topping out of pouring fondant and then drizzle the original glaze on top. 

The concept sounded great but the end result was not a good one. It looked sloppy, the inside mixture was a pale plum color, and the taste was not good. Chalk this one up to experience of what not to do when making a marble pound cake.

Other teams made a orange vanilla, lemon vanilla, banana vanilla, vanilla with chocolate topping, and a dark chocolate and vanilla pound cake.  The dark chocolate and vanilla cake was the best and tasted wonderful.

Orange Vanilla
Lemon Vanilla

Banana Vanilla
Vanilla with Chocolate Topping

Dark Chocolate and Vanilla Marble

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