Tuesday, August 20, 2013


August 20, 2013

We are starting American & European Pastry this week with a focus on Puff Pastry.  We scaled and made the dough for the classic, blitz and reverse puff pastry that we will be making this week.

The classic puff pastry dough has 1280 layers of dough and butter and is required to be refrigerated for 24 hours before you can do the final make up of the dough. This allows time for the dough to relax so it will not tear and the butter to cool down so it does not melt in to the dough. Today we locked in the butter and made two book folds with the dough before placing in the refrigerator overnight.

Classic Puff Pastry Dough

The Blitz Puff Pastry is a faster method for making puff pastry dough.  This dough will only require 2 hours of refrigeration before completing the folds and makeup.  This dough is considered a brother to pie dough as it is made much the same way as pie dough.  We made this dough by cutting the butter into the flour and water and mixing by hand.  

Blitz Puff Pastry Dough

It looks like a rough dough at first but after rolling out and folding it looked much the same as the other puff pastry dough.

The final dough made for the day was the Reverse Puff Pastry. This dough is made the same as the Classic but has the butter folded on the outside and the dough in the center.  The butter has 2 oz of flour added to it to dry it up a bit so that it can be worked with on the outside. 
Reverse Puff Pastry Dough

In the end, after rolled out and folding twice it looked very similar to the Classic Puff Pastry dough.  The difference will be that it will be a darker color and will be crispier than Classic when baked. This dough is also required to be refrigerated for 24 hours.

Reverse Puff Pastry Dough

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