Tuesday, August 6, 2013


August 6, 2013

This week's focus is flat breads, cinnamon rolls, caramel rolls, and decorative breads.  Today we worked on the cinnamon rolls and caramel rolls.  

Both the cinnamon rolls and the caramel rolls were basically made the same way just different dough and toppings.  The process was pretty simply.

First the dough was rolled out.

Then we spread softened butter on top.

Cinnamon and sugar was spread over the butter. 

Additional cinnamon was sprinkled on top.

The dough was then rolled up into a cylinder.

Then it was cut into sections.

And place in the pan for baking.

Once baked, the cinnamon rolls were topped with a cream cheese glaze. 

The cinnamon rolls were sweet but tasted great.

The caramel rolls were made the same except a different dough was used, the rolls were smaller, and before placing in the pan, a brown sugar, honey, butter paste was spread in the bottom of the pan and nuts added.

After baking, the rolls were then turn out of the pan onto parchment. 

The caramel rolls were very sweet and pretty doughy so not a favorite of the class.

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